8 a.m. - Good morning!

I arrive at the office and of course I have my cup of tea made for me by senior management (haha) before I get down to a hard day's work

I log on, read my emails, check my diary and from there I write my daily ‘to do list’

The list comprises ongoing tasks and duties that need to be done during the day. If they aren’t completed that day they'll roll onto tomorrow's list.

Rachel Casey in a social media campaign


8:30 a.m. Work starts

The list is done and work starts!

Tasks on that list are checking my personal work email inbox and the Building Control Team inbox. Emails are worked through and answered where possible. 

The phone also starts ringing at this time to arrange for site inspections, payments of fees and general day to day building control enquiries are dealt with.

Received applications are booked onto the system processed and forwarded to individual officers.

10:00 a.m. Tea time!

At this time I usually await my final cup of tea, peanut butter and oak crackers before I embark on site inspections. Lol

Cup of tea and a cracker


10:30 a.m. Out and about

Depending on what jobs need inspections that day I'll go out on some site visits. At the moment I generally do domestic works.

Out on site I can look at anything from excavations, foundations, oversites, drains, damp proof courses, floors, walls and roofs, just general building works really.

Rachel Casey out on a site visit


12:30 p.m. Food!

Back to the office for lunch.

1:30 p.m. Back to the list

I get back on the to do list. By this point I've hopefully booked all of the applications on to the system so it’s time to start the billing for these. I will either call the applicant and take the payments over the phone or raise an invoice and send out.

I then start on the income budgets and monitoring to check where we are financially sat so far. As a part of this I'll arrange such things as training courses and their payments / fees, marketing materials and outstanding invoices that need paying and have a general tidy up to keep up to date.

2:30 p.m. Some training I think

Then time to head out on site again but this time I'll incorporate some training and go out with a senior BCO to the larger jobs around Lincoln to gain experience and knowledge.

Rachel Casey out on site


4:00 p.m. Nearly there

Back to the office spending the remaining hours of the working day working on my applications which involves putting on the site inspection notes and doing some plan checking.

4:45 p.m. Final cuppa

It’s time for the final cup of tea and a protein shake ahead of my gym session.

5 p.m. Done for the day

I wrap the end of the day up by enveloping the post to go out and doing the end of day banking totals and closing the phones down for the next day.

Rachel Casey in a social media campaign


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