Do you wonder what it’s like to work in Building Control? 

As we explore more into the world of Building Control in our series ‘A day in the life’, you will be able to understand what it’s like working in this industry. Today’s guest is Paul Round, who is an Assistant Building Control Surveyor. 

Paul Round


What influenced/inspired you to decide to work in public service building control?

Local Authorities have good working conditions and an interesting mix of projects. The role allows a good work life balance. I enjoy having time out on site dealing with different types of people face to face and also working on a varying workload within an office environment (currently home based due to COVID restrictions).


What’s a typical day like in building control for you?

A working day in building control is varied and starts off with organising my diary for site inspections that day, While I’m at my desk I will also create fee quotes for new projects, respond to customers' technical questions with practical and cost effective advice/solutions. I’ll also complete plan evaluations and general administrative tasks in connection with my role. As well as going out for routine site visits I may also be called to dangerous structures.  


What qualification have you completed with us?

Level 4 Diploma in Public Service Building Control 


How has your new qualification helped you in a positive way within your current role and for your future career prospects?

It has increased my confidence to carry out site visits unsupervised. Now I understand the legislation behind Building Regulations and why they are so important. It has taught me where to look and find answers to customer questions, rather than relying solely on my colleagues.  


What’s next for you in your career (please let us know if you are moving on to your next qualification with us?) 

Level 5 Diploma in Public Service Building Control


What advice would you give to someone considering joining LABC's qualification pathway?

Take the opportunity and enrol! The LABC pathways develop your career and provide you with a firm understanding of the Building Regulations with regards to the technical requirements as well as how the industry operates.

If you missed our previous ‘A day in the life’, you can read it here.

Interested in our qualifications to progress your career in Building Control? 

See our qualifications

View our careers leaflet  

Careers leaflet september 2021